i was looking at some of the memebers sites - many i have seen before - but one i fell away from and wanted to look at it again - and i am very glad i did -

dave blakeslee's site "pomoxian" is very cool . a ton of cool things happening on dave's site - and some very cool reading. i think you will all love the "pomoxian's top ten news stories for 2003". dave's site also brought out to my attention, again, a very cool link - he links to a couple of guys ( mike morrell and philip scriber) i like a great deal. they produce a list of "unseen sites".

i love this list - no, not because ginkworld.net is on it :) - heck, ginkworld.net is on a lot of lists, and some not so good :) but because they do a very cool thing - they post sites that are not being caught by search engines - very cool. at ginkworld we get a ton of hits - but this site brings to light many sites that are killer - christian - emerging - postmodern - edgy - and not seen.

personally, i am adding them to this blog - and i am going to add them to ginkworld.net - i love that they are doing, and they are doing it because they love christ - let's get others out there to see what these guys are doing. if you have a link section, link them - let's get people to notice these two guys - spread the word, let them know that what they are doing is both needed and welcomed - it's so very cool to see this happen - so very cool
