ginkworld is lanuching a new blog - this one is called "praxis" and will be a daily study - scripture, and the sometimes weird words of pastor john - sould be very interesting - it kicks off on 06.01.02
ok, here's what i have been working on for the past few days - ok, the past few hours, it just seems like days. here it is - i recieved an email from a friend (the answer - or "kinda answer" - will be posted on ginkworld on 06.01.2002). here is what he asked - "if God has a perfect plan, and we (as imperfect humans) are part of that plan - how is the plan perfect if it depends on imperfect beings? do we now redefine "perfect?" it's been ripping me a new one all day - i will strive to see about answering it later on ginkworld. - pm
voiced by
john o'keefe
other voices
ok, here's what i have been working on for the past few days - ok, the past few hours, it just seems like days. here it is - i recieved an email from a friend (the answer - or "kinda answer" - will be posted on ginkworld on 06.01.2002). here is what he asked - "if God has a perfect plan, and we (as imperfect humans) are part of that plan - how is the plan perfect if it depends on imperfect beings? do we now redefine "perfect?" it's been ripping me a new one all day - i will strive to see about answering it later on ginkworld. - pm
voiced by
john o'keefe
other voices
i love reading the onion - it's just weird. if you click here it will bring you to some of the past stories from the onion dealing with religion - it's jus funny
here's an example -
All Seven Deadly Sins Committed At Church Bake SaleGADSDEN, AL—The seven deadly sins—avarice, sloth, envy, lust, gluttony, pride, and wrath—were all committed Sunday during the twice-annual bake sale at St. Mary's of the Immaculate Conception Church....
you just got to read this stuff -
voiced by
john o'keefe
other voices
what a great weekend - fun, bugs and flowing realities. i have been thinking a great deal about all the stuff in the middle east, and the world. i have come to the conclusion that humans are just stupid - now, that does not mean stupid "they lack smarts" - what i mean is, "they don't know how to use their smarts."
humans are the only class of animals that kill for no reason. (land IS no reason) - no other animal kills its kind for land, no other animal kills its kind for food, no other animal kills its own kind for pleasure - all but humans. if you asked a theologian what makes humans different from all the other animals they would say, "a soul" - a connection to God. interesting, the thing that makes humans so special, it the same thing that is causing them to kill - man, do humans have it all screwed-up. -- pm
voiced by
john o'keefe
other voices
a poem
by punk monkey
water, the element of life
earth, the element of death
wind, the element of spirit
flatulence , the element of clearing a room
(none of this has any meaning - i've just seen other bloggers put poety on their blog, so i didn't want to feel left out) - pm
voiced by
john o'keefe
other voices
one day, while on patrol, a young officer saw an elderly couple in front of him driving "all over the road." the couple were driving on both sides of the road; bouncing off mailboxes, trees, parked cars. they caused a number of cars to run off the road and caused many accidents. but, they keep driving. the officer pulled them over. the officer said, "did you know you were driving all over the road?" the elderly man replied, "yes, but this is my car. my family helped build this road and we paid for the white lines to be painted." the officer said, "i understand all that, and that is good, but you were driving without looking forward; you kept looking in the rearview, why?" the man replied, "i like looking were we've been. our trip home is short and the one we just took is long, so we wanted to keep looking were we've been"
think about it - pm
voiced by
john o'keefe
other voices
in our egroup, postmodern theology, we have been discussing "ownership" of material you create yourself - writings. what i have found most interesting is that the people that "steal" the most call themselves "chriustian" and "do it for God." this leads to some very interesting questions:
if it is ok to steal for God - is it ok to kill for God?
if, as a christian organization, it is all right to steal - is it all right to cheat on your taxes?
if, as a christian organization, it is not "stealing" because "we need it" - is it "stealing" when a crack-addict needs your tv?
if it is not stealing because you are using the material for "good." - is it alright then to "take" what we need from your office, if our organization is doing the "better" good?
i wonder sometime haw humans think - if it is wrong to take what is not yours - it is wrong. i wonder why humans believe they can do what they want, take what they will and do it all because they are doing it for God - think about it. - pm -
voiced by
john o'keefe
other voices
churches in a red light district:
my friend, jordon cooper, mentions this little story concerning a church across the street from where he lives. it has a red light lit, and it is freaking out the people in the area - well jordon, here is a short lit of some of the things i, punk monkey, have noticed about some of the churches in my area of the world -
1. churches with signs, "under new management." it makes one think about past management issues.
2. churches with red doors
3. churches that "preach the bible" - translation; we judge every aspect of your life and make you feel like crap.
4. churches with cute little sayings that are out of date.
5. churches with cute little pastors that are out of date
thanks jordon for getting me to think - pm
voiced by
john o'keefe
other voices
tv is at an end. within the next 10 to 15 years tv, as we know it today, will be gone - dead in the water. and why, you ask? simple. it's because tv people just don't get it - they are out of the picture - here's a few quotes i picke off of ginkworld's "spiritual news" section -
it all centers on the "ad-skipping" technology that would have been avaible to us - the people who count -
"Ad skipping technology, they contend, threatens the entire economic model upon which television is based." - dah. so, the answert to this is force feed people tv ads - even after tech can stop it all.
"In an interview with Cable World in its April 29 edition, Turner Broadcasting Chairman and CEO Jamie Kellner, whose company is owned by AOL Time Warner, took direct aim at devices that allow viewers to strip advertising content from programming in real time, going so far as to suggest that doing so amounted to breach of contract on the part of a viewer. He told fellow programmers at the show they were "crazy" if they weren't looking at ways to deal with the issue."
just wondering - did any of you sign a contract that said we had to watch their crap? = pm
voiced by
john o'keefe
other voices
well, i have some dairy issues i need to take up with you humans at this point - how can you tell if sour cream has gone bad? how can you call it butter milk, when it smells and tastes like paint remover? why is 2% milk 98% water? now, these may not seem to be earth shaking questions to you - but to me, well - they drive me crazy. you see, what i have found in dealing with humans is this - they never say what they mean, do what they say, or say what they do - why the hiding?
honesty, openness and a willingness to get spanked are what i find the most fun about life - but humans don't. they lie, hide and protect themselves from all forms of pain - or they try to anyway. so, call butter milk paint remover and get on with life. - pm
voiced by
john o'keefe
other voices
dah, i know what i wanted to share with you all - dah, i feel so silly. check out jordon cooper's site - i did an interview with him and he posted the answers - very cool stuff this blogger thingy is.
voiced by
john o'keefe
other voices
let's see, another day of rambling - nothing to say, just blind talk and type - oh, wait - i am trying to learn spanish - very cool. it's going slow, the left side on my brain is not the best side of my brain, well - come to think of it, neither is the right side - or the top side. but the bottom side is doing all right - not great, but all right. anyway, i digress - i am learning spanish. it's fun, it's hard, but it's fun - i think all people should learn - then we call all understand what people are saying at the market - pm
voiced by
john o'keefe
other voices
give me a second to get my thoughts together - here's a topic to discuss - "7-11's, open 24 hours a day, seven days a week - why locks on the door?" - open discussion while i collect my thoughts ..........collecting...........collecting..........collecting........collected - ok, here we go. i have been thinking lately about "communal living" - and if it is a "evil" as society makes it out to be? is it scriptural? is it the "way" God wants us to live? let me know what you think - i would like to know - and maybe post some of the emails - pm
voiced by
john o'keefe
other voices
i was thinking the other day - i know, that's not wise - but!!! - did you every intend to do things one way, and found you have to do it another? now, i'm not talking about communal grooming (though that could fit), i'm talking about "life stuff." for example - bloggs. i love this little thing, but i wonder if my mind works fast enough to post daily? i wonder if my life is full enough to post daily? i wonder - OH, MY GOD - i am sitting at my computer, typing away, when this hugh - i mean 500 pounder with legs - guy in a speedo just walked into the pool - i am going blind, my hair is falling out - my stomic is twisting in knots. why it that humans, mostly those who are the size of small cars, feel the need to show all that skin? i lost my train of thought (i lost my lunch) - i know what i will do, see God works - he sent shamu into the pool area to teach me a lesson, and to bring bact to my mind my desire to log (or blogg) the human condition - yes, i will be sharing with you a primates view of the world - this way, you can truly be in the mind of punk monkey - pm
voiced by
john o'keefe
other voices