it's no secret, i am looking for a place where i can help people "get it." - a place that truly desire to express a pomo-theology and experiement with new and different approaches to ministry - and, let's be honest, besides wanting to pastor and bring others along in "leadership" i am also looking for a place where some other creative people can help me develop ginkworld.net into what God wants - and that is something very edgy, very visionary, very counter-culture, and very, very honest and direct. i have before me a few oportunites - none set in stone at this point - and i need prayer for God to guide me to the place He is leading and has preped me for - after past experiences i have learned to take my time and make sure the place is a fit - not "will become a fit," but is a fit; one where the people are willing to grow with me and experience this thing we call faith - and not kill each other because we might have a different point of view - one willing to be a "do faith" and not just a "speak faith." anyway, as this year closes, and a new one is coming on fast - pray that i will know what God wants of me - and that i am guided to the ministry that God wants me to serve.


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