if you are like me, "napster rulz and larz drulz" - i got a kick out of larz (the drummer of a "has-been" group called metallica) ulrich stance against napster - he actually blamed napster for the fall in metallica record sales, never once seeing the truth, his band is old hat and outdated - people are not buying the records because the music sucks - come on, a metallic is now played in elevators and 7-11's. anyway - you got to read this article in the onion - you'll love it.

"If this radio trend continues, it will severely damage a musician's ability to earn a living off his music," Frackman said. "[Metallica drummer] Lars Ulrich stopped in the other day wondering why his last royalty check was so small, and I didn't know what to say. How do you tell a man who's devoted his whole life to his music that someone is able to just give it away for free? That pirates are taking away his right to support himself with his craft?" more

this is great -

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